Pen & Ink Illustration – S
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Learn the tricks and techniques of Pen & Ink! We'll explore the in’s and out’s of working with pen and applying it effectively with brush and inks. Subjects will range from still life to working from photos. Topics such as loose sketching, contrast, texturing, hatching techniques, composition, and illustration will be covered. All skill levels welcome.
Materials List:
Microns 05, 03, 01
Hb graphite pencil
White plastic eraser
Pencil sharpener
9x12 strathmore drawing paper 400 series
Winsor Newton india ink
Synthetic watercolor brushes size 4,10
Optional: Pentel pocket brush pen, black
The Inkstone on 2431 Durant Ave. near the UC Berkeley campus will have supplies and kits available. Please contact them directly to inquire about in-store pick-up.
No class 3/25/25
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