Handbuilding Funky Ceramics – W
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In this course students will learn the basics of ceramic handbuilding and surface design techniques with a funky twist! This class asks the students to break free of expectations of the finished outcome and dive into the experimentation that clay and glaze can provide! The funk ceramics movement has a rich history in the Bay Area, and the goal of the class is to be inspired by the “I dont give a funk” attitude that this movement has inspired many by. Students should be walking away from the class with 3 finished projects and skills to continue making ceramic sculptures.
No class 2/17
Clay must be purchased at the Studio. Clay is $10-$28 for a 25 lb bag depending on clay body. We also sell tools kits at the Studio and the prices range from $10-$22.
Please view our refund policy at artstudio.berkeley.edu/faqs.