Cityscape Painting in Acrylics – S
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Capture the light and beauty of nature or the dynamic rhythm and energy of the urban environment through acrylic painting! We will focus on the concepts of light, color and composition to convey meaning. Students will learn to create an intimate sense of place through observation and the use of photographs. Prior painting experience is helpful, but not required.
No class 3/27/25
Materials List:
Liquitex Acrylic Paint- Cadmium Red Light, Alizarin Crimson Hue, Cad. Yellow Light, Brilliant Blue, UltraMarine Blue (Green Shade), Titanium White, Trans. Raw Sienna
Masterson Sta-Wet Palette Seal – 16” x 12”
Liquitex Gloss Medium- 4 oz bottle
Long handle stiff bristle brushes - ¼” Filbert ,½” Bright, ¾” Filbert, 1” Bright, 1½” Flat (Synthetic, Hog Hair or Combination is fine)
Canvas Panel – 12” x 16”, Pkg of 5
Jar For Water
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